Hiking the legendary Thorsborne Trail, Hinchinbrook Island
Thorsborne Trail
Considering walking the World famous Thorsborne Trail? Famous not because of a destination flooded with travelers but for quite the opposite. The regulated number of trail walkers gives you the chance to connect with and appreciate the raw beauty of a tropical island regarded by many as one of Australia’s premier walks! The iconic Thorsborne Trail on Hinchinbrook Island traverses an incredible diversity of terrains and ecosystems; from rugged tropical ranges, waterfalls, rainforest, rocky shorelines, open woodlands and stunning beaches.There is no infrastructure except food boxes and toilets for your convenience at the campsites. It is Nature at its best! We are a ferry business that operates to both the Northern and Southern access points of the Thorsborne Trail from Cardwell and Lucinda.
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Skipper John
From Our Blog
Web Development
There is probably no greater confusion in the new website owner's mind than the subject of Web Development. It comes anywhere from free to tens of thousands of dollars (over a hundred thousand for some large government sites). Our philosophy since 1996 has been that a...
Domain Parking
Sometimes you register a new domain to be ready for a new website, product or service that you will be developing. You don't want someone else to grab your domain and try to sell it to you for a higher sum. You'd also like the new website to be built in the...
Mobile Websites
Mobile Websites are an absolute MUST. It's easy to see why when we consider that searches done with mobile devices (smartphones and tablets) have now overtaken searches done with laptop or desktop computers. The most-used website on the plant - Facebook - reports that...
Services Overview
"Amazing Profits from Communications Technology" - that's the sort of headline we like. It's what we help our clients achieve. As we often say: "It's not about the technology" but in a sense it is... it's just we show you how to use it to INCREASE your bottom line,...
Communication Help
As we are a "boutique" telco you can get some wonderful services not readily obtainable from the "Big Guys" and certainly not with this level of personal attention to your organisation's needs. We use most of these in our own businesses. Ease of use and ROI have...
Marketing your products and services Online- Done for you
Online Marketing is a wide field. What we have already been doing for our international clients includes Google Adwords Campaigns, Facebook Advertising campaigns, other Social Media like LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest campaigns, Email marketing, Webinar marketing,...
LinkedIn Promotions
You know how you want to be found by the exact people that you want to do business with? And how difficult that can be with LinkedIn? We solve that. We know EXACTLY how to use LinkedIn to make you the "go to" person in your field. Enquire now, and have business...
Plant a 2nd flag!
We can guide you also with personal relocation - residency, domicile (buy or rent), investment for income, business setup including entities and bank accounts, general background for a wise relocation decision. Whether wanting to work, live, invest, retire, we can...